Ep. 02 - Product Manager VS Product Owner... What's the Difference?


In this episode we're talking to Claudia Cornali-Motta, who is a Technical Product Owner at FinanceIt, a lending solutions company with a focus on digital products. 

We'll learn about the path she took to first becoming a Product Manager, as well as how she transitioned into her current role as technical product owner and what the key differences are between the two. We'll also touch on a subject that has been on my mind for years, which is to address the question: how technical do you have to be to be a technical product owner.

Claudia is a Technical Product Owner at Financeit in Toronto, Canada. In her work she strives to create sustainable, ethical and equitable experiences for both internal and external customers. She believes that by including underrepresented communities and giving them a platform we as an industry can build greater products and services.


Ep. 01 - How to Build and Lead a Team of Product Managers


Ep. 03 - So You Want to Build a Machine Learning Product?